Children’s Ministries

We believe that the biblical purpose of children’s ministry is to reach and disciple children for Jesus Christ. “To reach,” means to evangelize. It isn’t simply inviting unchurched children to an activity planned for Christians, but rather, the planning of specific programs geared to attract unsaved children to a clear presentation of the gospel. “To disciple” is to minister to a child at his/her own level of spiritual interest with the intent of moving him/her to the next level.

An important, and often neglected, role of children’s ministry is the equipping of children for ministry. Frequently children’s ministry is viewed as something done by adults to children. A vital element of discipleship is equipping people to serve. Children have the ability to minister to other people at various levels. Children can learn responsibility, become involved in service, and begin to reach their peers for Jesus Christ.

An effective children’s ministry also plays a vital role in enabling parents/caregivers to fulfill their responsibility as God’s primary resource for reaching and discipling children. As the church enables and cooperates with parents/caregivers, biblical concepts and principles can effectively be reinforced in daily living.

Let’s Explore Our Faith is a children’s doctrinal study. This publication has been updated and may be downloaded. You have permission to duplicate lessons as needed.

Click to Download (You will need Adobe Acrobat to access the following lessons.)

Let’s Explore Our Faith >

Leader’s Guide >


Bible Quizzing


Men’s Ministries