It has been exciting to hear reports of what God has been doing over the summer in the lives of students in the Missionary Church. One region reported 23 baptisms at their senior high camp. Bethel University leaders have shared about student-initiated and student-led prayer meetings on campus during the last school year. We may hear stories of this next generation giving up on church or giving up on God, but He is not finished. He is working to claim this next generation. 

Over the years I have had the privilege of watching as God placed young men and women in leadership roles and positions of leadership, and He has equipped them to lead very well. I am confident that God will continue to work in each generation to raise up men and women who will be witness for Him.

The enemy would have us focus on his work in destroying the lives of students so that he can discourage us and get us to think that the next generation is beyond being reached with the Gospel, when in fact, students are open to the Gospel. When students see authentic Christianity lived out and when there are believers — parents, pastors, and other mature believers — who pray for them, God begins to open their hearts.

The tragedy is that thousands of students have no models of the Christian faith in their lives, and they have no one praying for them. Therefore, the enemy can have free reign in their lives. These young people become victims of the enemy’s influence and schemes.

We dare not ignore this next generation. What might happen if an army of Christian adults committed to praying for the schools and students in their school district? Could it be that we would see a move of the Holy Spirit in our schools that would result in transformed lives? We are easily disturbed by some of the trends in our schools that support alternative lifestyles, but what might happen if we began interceding rather than complaining about how sick the world is becoming.

Cheryl Sacks has written a little book titled Reclaim a Generation: 21 Days of Prayer for Schools. Would there be a group of people in your church who would commit to 21 days of prayer for the schools in your region? Her book is available on Amazon and at Prayer Shop Publishing. Check it out. Perhaps your prayers could spark a move of the Spirit among students in your community.

Whether you use Cheryl Sacks’s book or simply pray, don’t ignore this generation. As school begins, pray that God will guard the hearts and minds of students. Pray that Christian students will be so full of the Spirit of God that they will be able to stand strong and be a witness for Christ.


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