Collegiate Day of Prayer – 2/23/2023

BETHEL UNIVERSITY is our university! We have great leaders who love Jesus and desire to see students fully alive in Christ. Dr. Bellefeuille and her staff need the prayers of the Church. The professors need our prayers. The students need our prayers. 

As the students go, so goes the nation. Many of the great revivals were begun in student prayer meetings. God has often used students to begin revival movements that have had an impact far beyond their respective campuses. 

Two hundred years ago every college and university was founded by the Church. “The American churches viewed these student communities as the coming future of their congregations, culture, and society. They believed that the direction of their churches and that of the whole nation would soon follow the spiritual bent and character of America’s college students.” 

By 1823, almost every major denomination and university in America had embraced the practice of a concerted day of prayer for colleges. THE COLLEGIATE DAY OF PRAYER is the oldest national day of prayer in the country. It began on the fourth Thursday of February in 1823. This year, February 23, 2023, marks the 200th anniversary of that call to prayer. 

Unfortunately, that call to prayer was dormant for most of the 20th century. But over the past 12 years, tens of thousands of believers have gathered on the last Thursday of February to pray for 20 million students on 4,200 college campuses.


  • Go to for more information

  • Adopt a campus to pray for

  • Make plans to pray for those universities represented by students in your church

  • Consider joining the simulcast from Asbury College

This is our call to prayer to pray for Bethel and for other universities in our communities. Perhaps the Lord will be gracious and give birth to another revival that will spread across the nation. Will you join thousands of others in prayer for our universities?


Eagerly Anticipating God’s NEW Things
