It has been great to hear of what God is doing in the lives of university students across the country. The extended revival at Asbury in February of this year seems to have sparked revival at other universities. Auburn, Baylor, University of Oklahoma, and Texas A & M are just a few who have seen large gatherings of students for worship and prayer resulting in mass baptisms of students committing their lives to Jesus.

There is a war going on — not just in the Middle East or Ukraine. There is a battle going on for the souls of our students. While we read of these campus revivals, we rejoice but we also read of protests like the one that has taken place on the University of Penn campus calling for death to Jews. The enemy is seeking to destroy this next generation. 

February 29, 2024, is Collegiate Day of Prayer. We encourage you to go to the Collegiate Day of Prayer website and adopt a campus that you will faithfully lift to the Lord in prayer. Adopt Bethel University and then adopt other universities where you have students attending. If you adopt a secular university in addition to Bethel, pray for an awakening to begin on that campus.

Begin now to pray for Bethel — for students and faculty that God will bring revival to Bethel’s campus. Pray for God’s special anointing on Dr. Bellefeuille and her cabinet as they give leadership to the university.

As we get closer to the Collegiate Day of Prayer, watch for additional ways you can become involved in prayer for Bethel and the next generation.


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