The theme for the Missionary Church for this biennium is SALT & LIGHT. It serves as a reminder of our commitment to make disciples who make disciples. The best way to begin the journey of making disciples is to pray. BLESS EVERY HOME is a tool to help you systematically pray for your neighbors and track your opportunities to care for them and share the Gospel with them. BLESS EVERY HOME will give you the names of 40 families (or whatever number you choose) who live near your family. Each day you will receive a reminder to pray for 5 of those families. The website will record that you have prayed. When you have opportunity to care for a member of a neighboring family, that can be recorded as well.

We currently have 24 churches who are a part of our network who have people praying for their neighbors. As a result, 4,300 homes have been adopted and are being prayed for. Over 40 homes are listed as having been discipled by someone in those 24 churches. Imagine what the Lord might do if we had 400-500 churches around the country with people regularly praying for their neighbors and intentionally caring for them and sharing the Good News of Jesus.

We are encouraging churches to sign up using this special link that connects with the Missionary Church so that we can track the impact across the country.

If your church is registered, your pastor can give each person a link that will connect you to your local church and you will be able to see where others in your church community are also participating.

If your church is not registered, but you would like to participate and connect with the Missionary Church, you can use the following link: 

Imagine what could happen in our communities if several people in one neighborhood were praying for and caring for their neighbors. By laboring together these families could see many of their neighbors coming to faith in Christ.

Join the Prayer-Care-Share movement as we seek to be a praying church and a disciple-making church.


September 2023 featured Article


AUGUST 2023 featured Article